Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Victory is not a Lottery

Victory is Not a Lottery

Victory is not a lottery! It's not like playing dice or flipping coins! It needs deep rooted commitments, challenges your psychic balance, questions your beliefs, and sometimes may not give positive results for even a quantum of your satisfaction! It needs you to come out of your safe havens, enclosed cubicles and comfort zones! It needs you to view the world differently, very uniquely in your own way! It follows the paths of indefinite uncertainties and failures, and so, ensuing disappointments! It's worked upon by thousands, but achieved by only a few!

The victory song can be well sung by those who have seen it from a distance, who deeply craved for it, who measured each centimeter of the distance covered and each second of the time spent and never actually had it! Those who recognize the essence of the efforts required for it, that being victorious is not merely having material pursuits or physical desires and fighting to achieve them, it's rather winning with your mental faculties and stabilizing the unstable grounds in your mind weakening the only foundation that bolsters the constancy of purpose and the feeling of persistence and perseverance.

Those who get more determined every time they fall short of their glory and those who know that victory is a feeling that rests within us all, but is always repressed by the presence of misfortune phobia in the disheartened minds, are the ones who have known the melody of this glorious song.

Victory tunes can be better sung by an ant that tried for thousand times to climb a high wall, stayed determined even after failing 999 times, and thus, finally reaches where it desired to. A glorious sun is the one that comes out as the winner in a war that continued for a long time with the darkest overcast, and thus, reinvigorates the world it was taking care of with its brilliant light by sending down the packets of energy. That is called a victory!

Luck is not by Chance

Luck is Not By Chance

What is luck? Luck is 'you knocking the right door at the right time and get the right opportunity right only for you'. Some people believe in the luck so much that they stop doing everything else and just keep waiting for the windfall and wondering whether it would be sweet or sour! We can't tell about luck beforehand! I mean, luck is a word to be used once something has already occurred or happened, and usually, people use luck as an excuse for their shortcomings or to hide their lack of commitment or dedication they had towards that cause!

Luck doesn't come by chance, it picks it's possessor! Luck only help those who help themselves, it stays at a certain threshold level and we are supposed to attain that level at least to have that luck work for us, we need to come out of our comfort zones, sometimes it may also need us to wait for eternity!

I feel that the thing that we always coveted for and the dream we always had of being somebody great or with power or clout should not come to us with ease, we should go through the situations where we'd realize why that particular thing is so essential for us! If it comes easily, then we won't recognize it in the first sight and then we won't realize it's real importance for that it matters! The person who has been moving thirsty amidst the scorching heat of the desert without water for a time knows the importance of each drop of water, and the person who always had enough resources of water keeps on wasting millions of water drops everyday!

Luck is not meant to come to us so easily, luck is not like god caring for us when we are in trouble, it's not gods job to tackle our worldly matters, he left this world as soon as he created it, leaving it in the hands of us, humans and that we have realized after millions of years of evolution! We make our own luck, we make others luck too, with our good deeds.

You are Unique

You Are Unique

Everyone in this world is made unique, and thus, is given a very unique mind! Our mind let us dream, dreams are followed by decisions and then actions! Follow your mind, make your own path and start believing yourself, than you believe in the path made by others that are popular for the resulting successes! Don't be like a sheep who always move with the herd! Be like a lion, who moves alone and rules the world. People may criticize you, try to stop you before you pick your own path! They might laugh at you as well, but, in the end, they will follow the path made by you if you succeed. If you don't, then you would surely learn, in your way, many ways that don't work.

Following the paths already ventured won't let you enter the worlds that still need to be discovered. Following the foot steps of your successors may secure you few results, but will close for you the other paths that are still unexplored! Walking on their steps, you will know the safe zones and very certainly the indicators, but this biasing would cost you the freedom of your mind! The real adventure lies in the certainty of your attempts, constancy of purpose and the uncertainty of the consequences!

The great people are those who being common, deal with common matters or things in an uncommon way! Your uniqueness takes the path never embarked upon or is the least traveled! It has to go through the way of free will, no enforcement of any kind or pressure, to make yourself able to milk the opportunities even from your disappointments, failed attempts. Innovation is unique for everybody, it never gets repeated. If it does, then it'd rather be called convention, not innovation.

Nothing goes waste in this world, one failed attempt gets replaced by a success somewhere else, that you might never know when, how and where! Never to stay away from attempts, never to restrain yourself from the way of free will, no expectations beforehand, no regrets for the shortcomings. If you dream of success, then you should be ready for the failure also, as both are good brothers and always keep on replacing each other for different cases! You are free to move anywhere, free to do anything, nothing could stop you, except your own fears! You can make your own way!

As well said by Dr. Spencer Johnson in his book 'Who moved my cheese' that "When you move beyond your fear, you feel free"